Scoilnet Maps is an
initiative of Oide
Technology in Education


The site has been developed with the assistance of the Forward Planning Unit of the Dept of Education and Skills and the Dept of Environment,
Community and Local Government.


Our Main Aims

  • Provide all primary and post-primary schools with access to high quality, digital Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) maps, World maps and aerial photographs.
  • Provide a highly interactive, visual and engaging tools to bring maps to life within the classroom.
  • Offer a suite of tools for use with the maps that support learning across a wide variety of subjects, including Geography, History and Mathematics.
  • Integrate a subset of curriculum-relevant, public sector data in a manner that is appropriate for teaching and learning in Irish schools.
  • Provide historical mapping from 1829 through to 2010 in order to offer plenty of opportunities to look at change over time.
A number of organisations have worked with the PDST Technology in Education on the project to maintain and develop the service
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