Beartas Príobháideachais

Scoilnet Maps respects the rights of its users and does not, as a general rule, collect personal information of any kind.

For general web browsing and map viewing no personal information is revealed to us, although certain statistical information is available to us via our Internet service provider. This information may include the logical address of the server you are using, the top level domain name from which you access the Internet (for example, .ie, .com, etc), the type of browser you are using, the date and time you access our site and the Internet address used to link to our site.

Some of the above information is used to create summary statistics, which allow us to assess the number of visitors to our site and to identify what pages are accessed most frequently. We use these statistics to help us make our site more user friendly.

Where you do provide us with personal information, e.g., your Scoilnet Account registration, we will treat all personal data you provide as confidential and will use it solely for the purpose intended. You should note the following with regard to Scoilnet Accounts:

  • Registration with Scoilnet Accounts is personal and non-transferrable.
  • Upon registration, you will be asked to provide personal data about yourself — you are obliged to provide accurate and complete information about yourself and ensure your personal data is kept up-to-date within Scoilnet Accounts.
  • You can modify personal data you have submitted on the Scoilnet Account Management website at any time yourself.
  • There is no expiry date for the personal data you submit on our servers. On request (, we will delete your account.
  • All personal data saved on our servers is secure.
  • We will treat all personal data you provide as confidential and will use it solely for the purpose of authentication and providing access to online services provided by Scoilnet/PDST Technology in Education. The information will only be disclosed as permitted by law or for the purposes listed in our registration with the Data Protection Commissioner (Ref 13590/A).

Our website does contain links to other sites and Scoilnet is not responsible for the privacy practices within any of these other sites. We encourage you to be aware of this when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements on other websites you visit which collect personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected on our website.

Scoilnet Maps reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend this privacy statement at any time, and you should regularly check this privacy statement for any amendments.

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